Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Baking 2010

For the past couple of years, I've been studying under the tutelage of my mom and Bunny to make some of the best cookies.  Cut out cookies, in particular, have been my focus.  These are very labor-intensive cookies!  This month, we've been very busy baking holiday treats.  Mom and I donated 2 sets of 6 dozen cookies to the Evangelical School Auction (to be delivered at Christmas time).  We also made cookies to give as gifts to teachers (10 in total), Sam's shift at the police dpartment, the staff at the credit union, and so on.  Of course, we also made enough for some family gatherings as well.  In all, I think we made about 25 dozen cookies/treats. 
Patrick and Eva helped on the first day.  They were pros at rolling out the dough.  I couldn't figure out how they were so good on their first try...Play Doh!  These kids LOVE Play Doh.  They each made their own tray of cookies...we didn't include these in with the "gift cookies" though.  :)

Anyway, it was lots of fun, but exhausting.  Except for the family cookies, they've all been delivered!  Thanks Mom and Bunny for helping become less domestically challenged!

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