Notice the super cute little guy in rain gear to the right here.......
The potty training is mostly done. Patrick is a pro. Potty training is like voting in Chicago, visit
the potty early and often! We are bribing him with chocolate milk if he wakes up from a nap or in the morning with a dry pull-up. We're thinking about braving a night with undies only (no pull up).
My grandfather, Frank Huber, passed away last week. This was my dad's dad. Grandpa had been gone for quite a while mentally speaking and he has been failing health wise for a few years. It was sad to see my dad lose his father, but it was a relief to them it seemed.
Here is a pic of
my dear husband...also known as "dad of the year." Last night we went for a walk, something he isn't really crazy about doing in the first place. We broke out the double stroller the other day, and Sam was willing to push it...all the way around the neighborhood. It's sort of like driving an ocean liner!
Here is a pic of
Sam has been busy getting the PBPA Treasuer position up to speed and I've been working on the YWCA Women of Distinction Luncheon. Emily and I have also been working on the PBPA Policeman's Ball. To say that May is going to be busy would be a heck of an understatment.
Eva and Patrick have been spending more time at home with me and Sam. Eva is no longer going to daycare and Patrick is going 3 days a week. The money just wasn't there. The plan is to keep this schedule until Patrick starts preschool in the fall and then little E can go to daycare 3 days a week. I won't lie, the days at home alone with the two of them are long and trying, but I'm learning to slow down and enjoy the tiny little things with them. Patrick is learning to buckle his car seatbelt. This takes time, but it was cool to watch him "learn." We have also been working in his tracing book and playing old school "Memory." Since the weather's been nice, we've also been playing outside in the backyard.
Eva is doing well: she's almost able to sit up on her own and she's rolling all over the place. She is more beautiful and sweet and smart everyday!
I'll try to be more diligent about posting...
I can't believe you got Sam to 1 go for a walk, and 2 push the stroller! Good job brother!!!