Thursday, November 22, 2012

2012 Gratitude

I begin this year's Thanksgiving post tired from recent projects, but looking forward to a family-filled, sparkling holiday season.  Gratitude is so important, so here's what I'm thankful for this year (and of course, in no particular order):

  • a comfortable, safe house for my sweet little family
  • Libby, aka Mama Beagle, she runs the house and is always there for us
  • Moo, my little shadow
  • Barak Obama
  • having the opportunity to stay home and take care of my kids-it is, by far, the most rewarding, but challenging job I've ever done
  • Alton-I love living in my hometown, with so much beauty and history
  • health-so grateful that, for the most part, our families are healthy
  • my momma, thanks for continuing to teach me the ropes of life
  • beginning to learn of sign language to communicate with a new friend
  • my first nephew that will be joining this world very soon
  • Patrick, my beautiful, blue-eyed baby boy
  • Eva, sassy and sweet, beautiful and hilarious
  • my iPhone, seems silly, but I use it for so much
  • having enough money to pay the bills and have a little fun
  • Gwen, my mil, works hard, cares hard for her family
  • that my city increased its recycling 85% this year - AWESOME!
  • a school that my kids love and that challenges them to do their very best
  • those that serve our country, our states, our cities, and the people of this world-they do work that most cannot even imagine
  • yoga
  • that a good friend has started in a new direction this year and seems to be happier than ever-yay for being so brave and following your bliss!
  • my whole family
  • Sam-he works hard, is a funny guy, and cares so much for his family
I'm grateful for so much more, but these are the highlights.  I'm heading off to spend the day watching the Thanksgiving Day parades with my children, cooking with my mom, eating some seriously awesome food, visiting with family, and generally relaxing. 
Below is a poem from that I found.  Love it.

This year, give thanks, for everything.

Let the tingle of gratitude move into the bones of your body, from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. With each beat of your heart,”Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.”

Dance for the joy, for the love, for the freedom, for the food in your belly, for the beating hearts of the beings that surround you.

Sing for the sorrows, for the heartbreak, for the sadness you can’t seem to shake, for the losses, for all those faces that no longer exist in this realm.

Speak with words that come straight from your heart, be honest, be kind, be love.

When you wrap your arms around your friends, lovers, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cats, dogs or hamsters, pause for a moment and allow your hearts to beat, together, for that moment, just once (maybe twice).

Pause, when you can, to listen to the laughter that surrounds you (even if you are alone and it’s your own); listen and hear it, as gospel, as truth.

Know that everything you are, everything you have, everything that you are supposed to be, is you.

And you are enough.

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