Patrick’s 5th birthday was momentous…I can’t believe that we have a 5 year old. This was tough mentally because now we’ve got a “big kid,” not a little boy. How did this happen?!
Anyway, Patrick was very excited about all the fun stuff we had planned. He first celebrated in Mrs. Cannon’s class with a cookie cake. He’s really into being a cowboy right now, so for this party, we did a horse. They loved it!
Patrick celebrated his birthday with his friends at the firehouse in Alton. They got to tour the firehouse (except they didn’t get to slide down the pole, sorry Katie B.). The kids thought this was super cool. We did a piƱata. Patrick went first. Eva went last. All the kids got to take a wack. Fun stuff…except at the end I was left holding a headless dog. Anyway, then we went back upstairs and opened presents and had cake and juice/milk. Awesome party.
Overall, our big boy had a lovely birthday with lots of special people.
Lots of Birthday Photos Here!